Can You Make Money with Your Idea
Not only a business, but even an idea can make you rich, if it is good enough, and you manage it well. There are certain steps to be followed from having an idea to protecting it and finding a market for it.
Inventors are saying there is nothing new under the sun, so if you want to have an invention, you shouldn’t be looking to discover something completely new. The best and most profitable ideas come from small things improving existing ideas. There is a good article about it online at https://fingerlakes1.com/2021/07/08/team-up-with-inventhelp-to-take-your-career-to-the-next-level/.
You should be looking for problems to be solved in your own experience. Think about the issues around your home: closet organizers were invented by people bothered by the clutter in their closet. Power strips, dusters and stain removers were invented to solve common household problems.
Your workplace can be also a good place for inspiration. Most employers are eager to cut costs and improve productivity and efficiency, so you may think about methods to resolve the things that delay the completion of your work.
You should be looking for ideas that can be applied broadly: it will not make you wealthy if your innovation can be applied only in your department. You also can have innovative ideas about your hobbies. You could invent gadgets that help users enjoy a game more, or learn a skill easier.
Once you have an idea, you should check if anyone had that idea already. You will have to look thorough the records of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). An online search is also available at uspto.gov. You can find on the site all patents from 1790 on.
Since 1790, when the first invention was registered in the U.S. 7 million patents were registered. There was an entire wave of new patents in the last years, so there is very good chance that somebody already had your idea. Don’t panic: if someone already had you idea, you can still work to improve it, and this way you still can make money. You can learn more from https://celebmix.com/follow-in-the-footsteps-of-inventors-like-george-foreman-with-inventhelp/.
If you can’t find anything in the database similar to your idea, you can proceed to the next step: the preliminary patent search, which can take 25-30 hours. This helps you to assess how good your idea is, and who are your potential competitors. A full search, which involves a professional, consists in a review of international patents, patent literature, and other resources beyond the easy reach.
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